Springfield Police Arrest Juvenile Driving Stolen Hyundai

Springfield, Mass. — At approximately 3:25 a.m. Thursday July 13th Springfield Police Officers arrested a 17-year-old male who was driving a stolen Hyundai recklessly in the Metro area of the city.

At approximately 3:00 a.m. Thursday Springfield Police Officers heard the sound of screeching tires in the Union Street area.  Officers then saw a vehicle driving at a high speed with no lights on.  The driver then sped through a red light on State Street and another red light on Chestnut Street before stopping.  The driver and passenger began to run away as officers detained the 17-year-old driver near the intersection of Pearl St. and Mattoon St.  The passenger was able to evade police.

The vehicle, a Hyundai, had been stolen with a window smashed out and a steering column destroyed.

Due to his age, the 17-year-old’s photo and specific charges will not be released.

The Springfield Police Department urges anyone with a Hyundai or Kia to get a steering wheel locking device to help deter and prevent the nationwide rash of motor vehicle thefts involving those two makes of vehicles.