SPD: Beware of Home Warranty Scams

Springfield, Mass. — The Springfield Police Department is warning our residents to beware of home warranty scams.

There are various versions of the scam, but they usually begin with a deceptive letter.

Homeowners receive a letter that appears to come from their mortgage provider, allegedly from the company’s “Home Warranty Dept,” and claims that their home warranty must be renewed.

Please read the fine print, at the very bottom of the letter in small print is the comment, ‘Not all consumers have previous coverage. We are not affiliated with your current mortgage.”

The Better Business Bureau provides tips on how to avoid similar schemes:

  • If you receive any correspondence about your mortgage or home warranty that you aren’t sure about, don’t use the contact information in the message. Instead, call your lender directly to inquire about the matter. Look up their contact information separately on your mortgage bill or search for your lender’s customer service line on their website.
  • Don’t let scammers pressure you to act immediately, even if they say you could lose your home. If someone tries to use scare tactics, stop communicating with them and contact your bank or lender directly.
  • Check out this BBB Tip about home warranties for more advice.