SPD Provides Package Theft Prevention Tips

Springfield, Mass. — The Springfield Police Department is providing you with some tips to keep your online transactions safe during the upcoming holiday season and year-round.

If you aren’t going to be home when a package is going to be delivered, we suggest alternative options:

  • If you aren’t home, request the delivery driver leaves a note and you will pick it up at the closest distribution facility.
  • Have the package(s) delivered to your place of work.
  • You can redirect the package(s) to another location where someone can sign on your behalf, possibly a trusted neighbor that may be home.

If you plan to receive a package when you are not home, sign up for alerts and try to have someone pick up the package in a timely manner.

If you do have cameras on your porch and someone steals a package, please contact your local police department, as this could potentially stop a thief before they target someone else.

Also, if you receive a package that is sent to your address, but you didn’t order it and potentially has someone else’s name, please secure the package and call the police.  This is typically associated with credit card fraud.

Finally, if you see someone tailing a delivery truck and it looks suspicious, please take down their license plate number and type and color of the vehicle and immediately call the police.