Springfield Police and Friends Help Make and Deliver Holiday Meals to Families in Need

Springfield, Mass. — On Thursday December 21st, Springfield Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood and Springfield Police Officers delivered more than 40 holiday meals to more than a dozen families across the city.

This holiday season Superintendent Clapprood worked with churches in the area to identify families who are truly in need of a Christmas meal.

With support from the Greater Springfield Credit Union, Superintendent Clapprood along with retired Massachusetts State Police Colonel Kerry Gilpin, partner at Comprehensive Investigations and Consulting shopped for hams, turkeys, pies and all the sides for a wonderful Christmas dinner.

Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi and our friends at the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department helped prepare half the meals for families that do not have the means to cook.

On Thursday, Superintendent Clapprood and officers in the Metro and Traffic Units went door to door to deliver these meals which included ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, stuffing, rice vegetable medleys and pies or desserts.

We hope that we have brought some joy to these families this holiday season and we wish everyone a healthy, safe and Merry Christmas.