Springfield Police Continue to Seize Illegal Dirt Bikes
Springfield, Mass. — Over the past several weeks, the Springfield Police Department has deployed its Anti-Off-Highway-Vehicle (OHV)/Dirt Bike public safety detail resulting in the seizure of five illegal dirt bikes and one arrest.
The Springfield Police Department regularly receives complaints of illegal dirt bike or OHV riding in the streets of Springfield in which the riders put the lives of others and themselves at risk.
On May 7th, officers seized an illegal dirt bike on Devonshire Road. The rider was issued a citation.
Dirt Bike Seized on May 7th
On May 4th, Officers arrested 19-year-old Kareem Prawl of Springfield on the 0-100 block of Westford Circle and seized an illegal dirt bike. Prawl is charged with Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Operating an OHV on a Public Way, Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Unregistered OHV, Uninsured Motor Vehicle and OHV Helmet Violation.
On May 3rd, Officers seized a dirt bike in Hubbard Park as part of an ongoing investigating.
Dirt Bike Seized on May 3rd
On April 27th, Officers seized a dirt bike and arrested Kevin Colon-Soto.
Also on April 19th, Officers seized an illegal dirt bike at Six Corners.
Dirt Bike Seized on April 19th